Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Little Angel

I thought of this poem while "pumping milk" for rhys one morning at 4 am...not too bad for a sleep deprived new mom!
This picture is very special to me. not many people could comprehend how small rhys was when she was born...but boy does this photo depict how tiny she was. Hard to believe that just 6 months ago she was this tiny (3lbs 8oz). But by the grace of God all is okay!!

Rhys is 3 days old in this photo! so tiny and sweet.
These layouts are not new, but i didn't realize i hadn't posted them!
New ones to come today...check back tonight.


Kelly said...

Oh My Word, I didn't realize Rhys was so tiny when she was born. What a little sweetie! I love the LO's. I can send you my address if you want but I could also pick some stuff up because I am coming to Saskatoon for the consignment sale on Friday.

Pam said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Pam said...

sorry about the comment i deleted...i went to change the spelling and it vanished.

scrappaleica said...

I remember your little sweet pea this small. she was so beautiful & the best was she grew so fast!and was healthy!

Julie Cortens said...

Wow - what a tiny miracle! Love the layouts!